
The standard interface

Pyappcache supports multiple different cache backends, all with the same interface. No matter whether you’re using Redis, Memcache or the SQLiteCache you will use the same interface:

class pyappcache.cache.Cache(prefix='pyappache')

The standard, cross backend, interface to a cache.


A prefix that will be applied to cache keys to allow for multiple instances of this class to co-exist. Exact use varies by particular cache. Default is ‘pyappcache’.

compressor: Compressor

The compressor that will be used when a key asks for compression. Default is gzip via compression.GZIPCompressor

serialiser: Serialiser

The serialiers that will be used to turn Python objects back and forth into bytes. The default serialiser is pickle, via serialisation.PickleSerialiser


Look up the value stored under a Key instance

Return type:



Look up the value stored under a str.

Users of this method will have to construct string keys for themselves.

Return type:


set(key, value, ttl_seconds=0)

Set a value by Key

Return type:


set_by_str(key_str, value, ttl_seconds=0, compress=False)

Set a value by a str.

Return type:



Invalidate by Key.

Depending on the particular implementation of invalidation this may or may not immediately free memory in the underlying cache (usually not).

Return type:


abstract clear()

Remove all keys from the cache.

For most caches this will remove absolutely everything from the server, so use with care.

Return type:



class pyappcache.redis.RedisCache(client=None)

A redis Cache instance.


clear() uses FLUSHDB

The clear method for this implementation will call FLUSHDB - and so remove everything in the database.


client (Optional[Redis]) – A optional redis client to use. If one isn’t provided database 0 on localhost is used.


class pyappcache.memcache.MemcacheCache(client=None)

An implementation of Cache for memcache.

All methods in this class will retry exactly once when the underlying pylibmc client returns a ConnectionError (to be robust against memcache restarts.


client (Optional[Any]) – A optional (pylibmc-compatible) memcache client to use.


Pyappcache also includes a Sqlite-based implementation of an LRU cache. This can be handy for scripts.

class pyappcache.sqlite_lru.SqliteCache(max_size=10000, connection=None)

Implementation of an LRU cache using sqlite3.

Note that as this is an LRU cache data accesses require write access (in order to update the last-used time).

__init__(max_size=10000, connection=None)
  • max_size (int) – Maximum size of the LRU cache. Defaults to 10,000

  • connection (Optional[Connection]) – Optionally, you can pass a sqlite3 connection. By default an in-memory database will be used (this will be is shared between all instances).


Get a shared in-memory connection.

This is used by SqliteCache to get a named in-memory sqlite connection (pyappcache_memory - to avoid clobbering other users of in-memory sqlite databases) and multi-thread support.

See local sqlite file as cache for the common pattern of storing the cache in a file alongside a script.

Implementing support for a custom cache backend

If you use something else as a cache (a filesystem, some SQL database, dbm) implementing a custom driver is not too hard.

You need only subclass Cache and implement four abstract methods:

abstract Cache.get_raw(key_str)

Look up a value (as bytes) from a concrete key string.


key_str (str) – the (fully prefixed) key string to look up

Return type:


abstract Cache.set_raw(key_str, value_bytes, ttl_seconds)

Set a value (as bytes) by a concrete key string.


key_str (str) – the (fully prefixed) key string to set.

Return type:


abstract Cache.invalidate_raw(key_str)

Invalidate a key by a concrete key string.


key_str (str) – the (fully prefixed) key string to invalidate

Return type:


abstract Cache.clear()

Remove all keys from the cache.

For most caches this will remove absolutely everything from the server, so use with care.

Return type:


Cache is implemented entirely in terms of these four methods so once you implement these, you get everything else “for free”.