pyappcache documentation ======================== pyappcache is a Python library for using volatile caches such as memcache or redis. A minimal example using Redis ----------------------------- .. code:: python from datetime import date from pyappcache.redis import RedisCache from pyappcache.keys import Key, SimpleStringKey cache = RedisCache() # Annotate the type here to let mypy know this key is used for dates key: Key[date] = SimpleStringKey("mifid start date") cache.set(key, date(2018, 1, 3), ttl_seconds=3600) ... # later... # This variable's type will be inferred as special_date = cache.get(key) The above code: - creates a new instance of pyappcache's `RedisCache` class - creates a new key object - sets that key's value to `date(2018, 1, 3)` - and then (later) that value can be retrieved *with the right type inference* Reference documentation ----------------------- .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 caches keys compression_and_serialisation common_patterns rationale Indices and tables ================== * :ref:`genindex` * :ref:`modindex` * :ref:`search`